New Waldorf Astoria: When our work becomes a case study

Creating images, films and animations is our bread and butter. We do it everyday and it is something that we can confidently say that we master. But not everyday are we asked to show the vision of the New Waldorf Astoria with live actors .

At the beginning of 2015, we were asked to create a film for the New Waldorf Astoria, but it had to be finished in less than 30 days from beginning to end, one quarter of the time we usually take. So we started working on it!

See what we created in those four weeks:


After achieving this in such a tight timeframe, our  Chief Operating Officer and Co-founder Gonzalo Navarro was invited by Autodesk University to Las Vegas to share our tips and tricks on how to create a script, the storyboard, the charrette process and the green  screen production.

You can see the 50 minute case study here.

Impressive, huh?

For us, this project, like every single one, was not only a challenge to do our best, but also a great learning experience to solve the different challenges that our clients face.

We feel very proud of it and definitely wanted to share this with you!